Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Formatting SNAFU?


Actually, I've been trying to format the "Curious Case of Cold Thomas", and it's been rebuffing my efforts. If anyone can help, I would be eternally in your favor.

10/16/13 FINALLY managed to format "The Curious Case of Cold Thomas". Still not sure how it got onto my page, or if it will stay formatted the way I want it to.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Rabbit holes

Hi again, everyone! 

I just woke up to the sound of Murphy's air raid siren going off. Again. I live pretty close to the Bald Cliffs, which is a little plateau/mountain thingy that seperates us from Murphy, so I can hear it pretty well. Must be driving Mars nuts, since he lives on the plateau itself.

Anywho, aside for this, I really want to talk to everyone about my thesis paper. I know you're probably thinking this isn't going to be interesting as I am a physics major and all. But I promise you this will be awesome- even non-physics majors will think so. 

I'm researching a spatial/temporal fluctuation called "rabbit holes". This is heavily influenced by the string theory, and is relatively similar to worm holes. However, a rabbit hole is a small opening in the time/space fabric, that leads you through a small area of (presumably) a pocket dimension, and to another part of your reality. Honestly, I've only encountered these in the tripartite region (Mixer Harbor, Burning Hills, and Paleville) but they could be elsewhere. 

Writing about this is so exciting! Actually, I hope I don't get in trouble for this. My research is kind of hush-hush, and it's being funded through an unclear entity :/. 

I was never told not to talk about it, but you kind of get the sensation you're not supposed to. 

Anyway, I've gotta head out for now. My friend Travis Bradley and I are supposed to help setting up our towns Autumnfest. Or, at least for today, in the town hall. Swing by if you're in the area, and shout if you see me! 

I wonder how Mars always gets out of these things....


Monday, October 7, 2013

"Creative Writing" 101- The Key to Fiction is Reality

Hello, everyone!

I hope you've liked my hand at creative writing- I think it's a good start. My Lit. professor tells me I have to "broaden my horizons". I think she thinks that because I'm a physics major, with a career already lined up for me, that I have no interest in stories or anything Liberal Arts related.

As you can already guess, what I wrote a while ago shows what happened between me and a good friend of mine, Mars Maddock. I know it sounds kind of implausible, but believe me when I say I've seen some pretty messed up things in my town, and random crazy girl was not among the top ten.

Actually, I don't like talking about the top 10, because they give me nightmares. One word: Murphy.

Saturday, October 5, 2013